Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 7 Assignment.

Week 7 Assignment.

Q Here's a link to your week 7 assignment details: Reliability and Logistics Management Your week 7 assignment rubric is included in the assignment details page, or you may also select the "See Rubric" button at the top of your dropbox page to view how the instructor will grade your assignment. Assignment dropboxes are available by selecting the module link above. After you have completed your assignment, title your file(s) with: CourseID_LastNameW7Assignment (ex. EN101_SmithW7Assignment), attach them to this dropbox, and press Submit.

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Customers have a right to know that their expectations will be met and that they can rely on a company's reliability. To promote the foundation of more strong processes, the logistics process must be reliable. Flexibility is required to enable the effective and secure transportation of goods and services through the logistics industry. Today's most successful industrial, manufacturing, and logistics firms are improving flow efficiency while safeguarding and securing their operations against exploitation, susceptibility, and interruption (Gillispie, 2015).